First Mile Boxes

What is Snaile? (Pronounced

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Read Postal Technology International Magazine Article “Smart First-mile Communications”

Snaile is the winner of the 2016 international DIGITAL INNOVATION OF THE YEAR by Postal Technology International Awards. Its patent pending technology detects when mail/parcels are (or are not) in any type of first or last mile compartment and records usage (time and date)

In first mile applications, we check & notify via the Snaile Cloud content in:
• Street letter boxes
• Courier drop-off boxes

How Snaile will Benefit Postal Operators in First Mile Letterbox Applications?

⦁ Reduce first mile operating expenses (fleet size and unnecessary stops) by allowing postal operators to only check boxes that have content (mail)
⦁ Monitor less used and/or remote mailboxes electronically instead of physically checking what may be empty boxes
⦁ Optimize/reduce first mile mailbox network by analyzing real usage data and presenting to parliament a reduction plan without affecting Universal Service Obligation
⦁ Verify boxes have been checked & cleared by postal staff to help comply with Universal Service Obligation
⦁ Reduce emissions (carbon footprint) by reducing unnecessary first mile trips and eventual fleet size which can also reduce carbon tax
⦁ Optimize routes for electric vehicle fleets to maximize their limited range